The Skule Nite 9T6 Production People Profiles

Rajko is the stressed out person in the middle

Name: Rajko

Class: Elec 9T2

Catchphrase: "I love you... (insert any name here)"; "You guys... fucking, fucking, shit, late, fucking, I fucking had a fucking bad fucking day, shit, this fucking show is gonna fucking suck fucking shit, fucking I fucking quite this fucking shit, fucking fuck... and don't say fuck on stage."

Desires: To be remembered as one of the great ones (don't worry, Rajko, you will)

Pet Peeves: Don't even get him started!

Description: Rajko is about six feet tall. He is very hairy. He has long hair that he wears in a pony tail. Rajko likes to ride his motorcycle. He has two cats, one is fat, the other is skinny. He loves them both. He never ASSumes anything. He has also never ASSASSinated anyone, or ASSisted in anyone's suicide.

Aspirations: To find something to do with his life now that Skul&~ Nite is over (sob)

If he could change one thing: Don't get him started on this either!

If he could sleep with anyone, it would he: So, how 'bout dem Jays? (or... Number 2, definitely number 2.)

Name: Alexander Kung (person on the left)

Class: Mech 8T8

Typecast: Video guy; artist guy

Catchphrase: "You want me to build what???", "We don't drink and use power tools"

Desires: To build a fully working 1:1 scale F-16 or a 1:1 scale dinosaur, To blow someone off stage

Pet Peeves: How come I didn't get to build an F-16???, Trying to video scenes that go from alcove to alcove to alcove to alcove. Directors

Name: Bernie (no picture)

Class: Eng Sci 9T4

Typecast: Stage manager

Catchphrase: "Cue Band..BAND!!! Where the hell is the BAND!!!"

Desires: less responsibility

Pet Peeves: drunk pyro guys; master carpenters

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