AKA: El Guapo, Leopold, Unknown Ensign #1

Measurements: 30(Years old)

Catchphnises: "Carla's gonna kill me!

Sexual Fantasy: All three Sterling sisters (at the same time).

Description: Alex could be seen doing the Lambada with many female cast members (but you cannot! it is forbidden!). With a complete disregard of his fiancee (he's still paying for that), he brought an unheard of maturity to the younger cast members, why he affectionately called 'the kids' Best wishes!

Pet Peeves: Being on the bottom. I did NOTHING in the first act!. leather chaps - why am I ALWAYS the fag (bearer?)

Aspirations: To get this wedding over with.

If I could have changed the show: Speaking part in the first act, not so close to the wedding, more Latino roles, singing in Spanish.

Typecast: Cross-dresser from hell

Most likely to: To go into business as a professional wedding consultant.

AKA: The Voice, Forester Gump, Spock, VO reject

Measurements: 15"

Catchphrases: "Would you like some chocolates", "That is most illogical", "A small monkey with a large bushy tail', "Why it's Vulcan independence day'

Sexual Fantasy: Lots of women...smothered in chocolates.

Description: Aviv easily the most charming and desirable man in the cast is known for his witty additions to otherwise long and tiresome sketches. He enjoys taking bribes from Trevor and Chris, and making them believe they will actually pass his course.

Pet Peeves: Dancing in general, eyeliner

Aspirations: To marry a cast member. (Oooh, who is she Aviv?)

If I could have changed the show: No dancing.

Typecast: Forrester Gump

Most Likely To: Be successful.

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