The other neat tie ideas that didn't make the cut


Buffy - might not be suitable for work

Buffy and Faith - Neat but had to reduce the numbers

Still more Buffy

Still more Buffy

Another Vader but the other one was neater

No 10 and Rose - The other one had more colour and the Tardis

Serenity poster - neat but not as unique as the others

Madonna and Vogue pose - see above


A neat Rose with No 9 and 10. Rose is holding a key to the Tardis. It is neat but it wasn't very clear


River the Reaver Slayer


Buffy - a cool one but the top was cut off and I was not sure about how a female in a fighting pose would go over


A very neat Buffy one but I have too many ones I already want to do

No 10. Very nice image but again too many other ones I like before this one

Another Vader - again not as good as the other one

Spike and Dru