CRAP. Well sort of. I am not sure what happened but after painting with the gloss black ALCAD II I used a heat gun to make
sure it was dry. My main goal was to see if the high heat would also level out the black paint to produce a finer finish.
Yu would think after that high a heat that the thing wouldbe dry. It looked and felt dry. It looked dry as I was
airbrushing on the Alcadl II Aluminum plate. It lookde dry the next day. WAs it 100% dry I don''t know. I left it in the car
on a warm not superhot day. Well today looking at the model I see that there are cracs in various parts. This looks like unever
painting cracks. The paint underneath drying at a different rate as the outside paint. So what the frak am I supposed to do? Do I
strip the entire thing and start over?
No I try and save it. I first try and airbrush more alcad II over the cracks and hope that the solvent would even out the paint.
It is mildly successful but I still had thoughts of stripping the entire thing. As a last resort I spray straight lacuer thinner
through my airbrush. THe first thing that happened was that it started to eat through the thin coat of Alcad II paint. Argh!!
Disaster...or was it. IT revealed the black undercoat. The crack was minimalized but surprisingly the effect looked very good.
It looked all beat up and not bad at all. So I decided to keep it that way. Besides I have 2 more I can work on with different techniques.