SERENITY - Oct 26 2005 |
Again too short so more material is added |
Chunks of styrene removed |
Very out of shape so puttying will be needed |
Puttying but I also found out that the part is not square from the front so more carving needed |
Had to fix the sink and tried to get my new ebay bought used DVD recorder working. This means little time to work on Serenity but I did do some. More kit thoughts. Decisions decisions. My motto is value for money but I have to draw the line somewhere.
Opening cargo door, detailed cockpit, detailed dining area, detailed cargo area, lightable engine, opening engine flaps, rotating side engines, rotating engine thingy, removable shuttles.
Some of it is covered in the text with the photos but here is my thought process and hopefully you will understand why I did the things I did.
I would love to provide a kit with all of the above but it would not be feasible. An opening cargo door would mean a detailed interior. Something I am not even contemplating since that would be similar to master a whole other kit. Detailed cockpit. Oh this is a hard one since the window area is so huge. I am very tempted on this but again the amount of work would be huge. Maybe if I provide a kit someone else can make a detail up set? Detailed dining area. Similar to the first point Lightable engines. I will have to see if I can get the rear end cast in a clear resin. Vacforming? I would lose detail and the edges will be rounded instead of sharp. Side engine? I am not sure how to do that since the pivoting system means there is very little material there to run wiring for lights. This is not something I could easily supply unless someone comes up with a brilliant idea. Rotating engine thingy. Maybe a chase circuit? Removable shuttle - I think that will be possible. |