SERENITY - Oct 25 2005 |
Carved and test fitted several times until I thought I had a good fit. I then noticed that the things was not lined up when looking from the front so I had to add some shims |
Again I have to wait for it to dry before I can sand it to shape |
Now to start the left side. First you start with a chunk of styrene and then start carving |
When the piece finally dried I could sand it to shape and test fit it |
Sweet |
Yup horizontal |
Using the more completed item I mark the left one to hopefully speed up the process of making a matching item for the left side |
Now if you are this far into my web page I will have to admit that I am going to do my best to produce a kit for sale. Of course I have to keep it hush hush but I figure you diehards that are reading this should get the inside scoop if you are that dedicated. I did put on my first page that I do not know if it will be kitted. This was done to prevent everyone from emailing me and asking if it is done yet. Well if you followed the progress you will see that it is not done yet.
I also do not want to officially announce things until I am 100% certain that it is ready for sale. Basically until I would have all the packaging, instructions, casting etc. ready to go out the door I will not admit anything. I have never produced a kit before but I know things can go wrong and there can be delays. (mould not done properly, bad castings, fit problems, draw out instructions, packaging, etc) So I will not set a deadline saying I will be finished on this day. This also means my expenses up front will be quite large. So I would have to be fairly certain that I will at least be close to breaking even.
I am sure there are others out there feverously trying to produce a kit to capture the market. Good for them and I understand them being secretive about it. You don't want to tip off the competition. If a kit does come out before I am done mine than it is most likely that I will not produce a kit. The only way I would keep going forward with the kit idea is if I think the quality of the kit that is being sold is terrible, inaccurate, expensive etc. Of course the first kit to come out would capture the majority of the market and get most of the sales. Again this does not bother me since for me it is a hobby instead of a business. I don't need to make money on this venture. I just want to give back to the fans.
I will be going to a professional to get the mould made and the castings done. I have done mould making and casting before but I do not have the vacuum chamber or pressure pots to produce the consistent quality stuff I would be offering in a kit. Of course this will bump up the price of the kit but in my opinion it is worth it for quality parts. Too often I have seen garbage castings.
Long blog today. |